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The Power of Sharing

At its core, knowledge management is about sharing. In an increasingly competitive landscape, many organizations tend to focus on the individual goals and accomplishments. Knowledge management runs counter to that individualistic mindset. Instead, the power of knowledge management is rooted in a concern for the collective and a mindset of sharing lessons learned to benefit the larger group.

You can become a Power Player within your organization simply by sharing what you’ve learned. Believe it or not, knowledge bases are everywhere in one form or another. That OneNote file where you track all of your updates? That’s a knowledge base. The three-ring training binder you’ve highlighted with a sticky notes and tape flags for quick reference? That’s a knowledge base. The endless list of browser bookmarks you reference? Well, you get the idea.

Rather than hoarding your hard-won information and forcing people to beg for your insights – consider proactively documenting and sharing what you’ve learned. Each time you document something, ask yourself whether there are others who could benefit from your insights. If you can save someone else a few minutes in their day by helping them to make connections, clarify a process, or understand a best practice, you have Power Player potential. There are numerous benefits to incorporating knowledge sharing into your workflow. Adopting a sharing approach allows you establish yourself as a:

  1. Leader – your willingness to put forth ideas which can be refined over time sparks discussion and accelerates decision-making.
  2. Team player – your interest in supporting colleagues by providing the benefit of your lessons learned demonstrates an interest in the success of your entire group, team, division, etc.
  3. Trusted voice – being among the first to share risks, concerns, lessons learned, case studies, etc. allows you to highlight your expertise and become a trusted voice within and possibly beyond your function.

I’m interested in learning about your experiences. Have you shared something that you thought was small and it turned out to be a major help to someone else? Which informal or formal methods does your organization use to encourage people to share what they know? What interesting tidbit have you learned as a result of someone else sharing information with you?

“Knowledge is power. Sharing knowledge is the key to unlocking that power.”
― Martin Uzochukwu Ugwu

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Reboot: The Evolution of Knowledge Management

I cannot believe that it’s been almost a decade since my last blog post. The need for Knowledge Management (KM) has always existed. Historically, Knowledge Management responsibilities were often distributed among a variety of roles. Project managers, technical writers, corporate librarians, human resources, and a host of other functions were often tasked with establishing systems and methods to exchange critical information across an organization. More and more, organizations realized the importance of having a named owner to capture and share lessons learned.

That named owner may operate under any number of titles including Knowledge Manager, Communications Lead, Principal Writer, Human Resources Specialist, or Program Manager. The common thread is the duality of designing a content workflow and building repositories while driving behavioral change. Depending on the size of the organization and content maturity, the knowledge management function may reside with an individual or an entire team. Knowledge Managers influence corporate culture by formulating ways for colleagues to readily share what they know. The most effective knowledge management systems are those which integrate with the ways that content contributors already work. Knowledge Managers design systems which encourage increased efficiency by sharing lessons learned. When lessons learned are easy to find, easy to use, and easy to understand they become digital assets which improves the performance of an entire organization. The positive impact of quickly locating trusted information accelerates effective decision making.

Renowned management consultant Peter Drucker famously stated that “There’s no such thing as knowledge management; there are only knowledgeable people.” At its core, Knowledge Management is about people. Process are critical to support people by ensuring consistency. Technology helps to advance, automate, or streamline processes. People are the core of knowledge management because people possess the knowledge. Drucker also said that “Information only becomes knowledge in the hands of someone who knows what to do with it.” In the tidal wave of information that we surf every day, the ability to establish a system to assess that information, consider other audiences who might benefit, and transform what an individual or small group knows into a corporate asset is the heart of knowledge management. Knowledge management lives at the intersection of content strategy and organizational behavior. I look forward to sharing more of my own lessons through this blog. Welcome to the reboot!

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Priority One: Case Deflection

callcenterKnowledge Management is a relatively new discipline, combining specializations including process and project management, technical communication and business analysis. Sometimes people are not completely certain about what a knowledge manager can do – they just know that they need one – someone to own the process of getting that valuable information out of people’s heads and into a repository and format that everyone can use. Within call center environments, knowledge management is an especially critical role because the ultimate goal is to deflect calls. However, knowledge managers exist across every imaginable industry, even when they are not named as such. When an effective system is in place, one that is organic – natural and growing, one that users barely think about because they are able to easily find what they need and continue on with their day – that is the pinnacle of success for a knowledge manager. I would like to share this exceptional article about The Most Important Job for KM in Customer Service because this valuable message bears repeating.

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Defining Success

My childhood interest in achievement matured into a desire for success. I recently reflected on how my definition of success has changed over time. I’m quite guilty of being an overachiever. I like to do things to the best of my ability or not at all. A few years ago, one of my mentors recommended that I read Now Discover Your Strengths. The book had a fascinating premise: Instead of identifying your areas of weaknesssuccessflow and working to improve them, your time is far better invested by identifying your strengths and ways to build upon them. I found the book to be both intriguing and enlightening. Around that same time, Susan Cain’s released a book that I felt was written just for me entitled Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can’t Stop Talking. Both of these reads helped me grow by acknowledging my true self and working towards becoming the best me I could be. This was very liberating as I stopped trying to be restricted to a common, cookie cutter version of myself. Instead, I embraced the differences that I used to deny and sought ways to use my natural talents and inclinations to benefit every environment that I could influence. Embracing myself and benefiting others is my new definition of success.

At a recent STCAtlanta meeting, my longtime colleague shared his advice to “Strive for success, not perfection.” That message hit me like a ton of bricks. I thought about how many times in life I’d obsessed, fretted, worried and been frustrated about things not being absolutely perfect. Yet, amazingly, the earth continued to rotate on its axis – the world did not end just because some project or deliverable wasn’t flawless. Similar to striving for success is what I call the Gambler Theory, courtesy of celebrated country music star Kenny Rogers. Part of the hook says:

you’ve got to know when to hold ’em
know when to fold ’em
know when to walk away
know when to run

There many definitions of success. Race car driver Bobby Unser said “success is where preparation and opportunity meet.” Renowned poet, activist, actress and professor Maya Angelou said “Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.” As I continue to connect with people to learn about their interests and share a few of mine, I believe that each encounter, conversation, and interaction – whether it aligns with my beliefs or not – helps me to become a better person because it sharpens my focus about my own identity. Personally, I want to continue to prepare and equip myself so that I can make the most of every opportunity. 

So, how do YOU define success?


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No Fault of Your Own: Working Through an Acquisition

rrtrackSo there you are, sitting at your desk, minding your business, doing your job when the news hits you – your company has been acquired. Depending on the corporate culture, the initial news may come via a rumor mill or official channels.  Conversely, you may receive notification that your employer has purchased a company. Regardless of your position, there will be some level of adjustment required. Whether you a member of the acquiring group or the group being acquired, the end goal is to cultivate a productive strategic alliance that benefits and expands your customer base.

If you are part of the “being acquired” group, rest assured that, acquisitions do not necessarily mean certain death for your job or career. Change, yes; death, no. Often, if you can get past the initial turbulence, you may find new opportunities on the other side of uncertainty. With new leadership comes new ideas. The trick is to position yourself as an asset within the new corporate environment. The sooner you move from resistance to acceptance, the more energy you can put into learning about the vision of the new leadership and thus developing a new vision for yourself.

Acquisitions are intended to be successful. No company wants a poor return on their investment. Every organization wants to grow and prosper. Think of it this way: an acquisition is a recognition of the high value of your company’s product or service. However, acquisitions translate to change – something that everyone dreads to some degree. Managing change – being open and receptive to it – can make all the difference as you try to identify new opportunities. Global management consulting firm, McKinsey and Company, identified the following causes in the Five Types of Successful Acquisitions:

  1. Improve the target company’s performance
  2. Consolidate to remove excess capacity from industry
  3. Accelerate market access for the target’s (or buyer’s) products
  4. Get skills or technologies faster or at lower cost than they can be built
  5. Pick winners early and help them develop their businesses

In my career, I’ve been on both sides of acquisition experiences. Regardless of your role, there is a critical need to analyze every aspect of available resources. While initial evaluation and strategic discussions occur, acquisitions are a perfect opportunity to assess your individual skill set. Gaining exposure to different leaders may also help you identify new paths and directions for your career. Acquisitions provide an opportunity for a fresh start, providing ways for your to change or improve your reputation, strengthening your position.

Ideally, an acquisition involves the best of both worlds – the best people, processes and technologies. Those leading the acquisition should complete the following steps to ensure that employees (and ultimately clients) receive the best of both worlds. Here are four steps to consider in cultivating a new joint vision:

  1. Define the Optimal Future State – what is the specific vision for the workplace? for the marketplace? what do we want the customer or user experience to be? what do we want to be known for?
  2. Assess Current Operations – how is business conducted today? what impressions do the customers or users have? internally, who has ownership for specific points of the process? what are the related tasks and dependencies? which factors threaten production or delivery?
  3. Identify and Prioritize Gaps – what are the pain points? which issues must be addressed in working toward the optimal future state?
  4. Develop the Plan – what goals and timeframes are needed to bring the vision to reality?

With change comes new opportunities, when you are able to articulate your value as well as that of your department – you may find yourself with an expanded role within your new corporate culture. None of this is quick, simple, or easy – but when this type of change is managed well, it can actually serve as fuel to accelerate your career.




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Understanding the Voice of the Customer (VoC)

VoCSpecializing in Knowledge Management provides an excellent opportunity for ongoing improvements with internal and external customers. Knowledge Bases are typically associated with Support Organizations. These Call Centers have evolved to accommodate a variety of mediums including phone, chat and email. Some Call Centers use video conferencing, encouraging users to employ cameras to “show” the situation to the support agent.
I’ve been in situations where knowledge base (KB) content was initially available exclusively to customer support agents. However, upon recognizing how this troubleshooting content could benefit others within the organization, KB access was expanded. Eventually everyone from product management to training relied on the KB solutions. Then, in an effort to promote self-service, Call Centers took the KB one step further, by developing specific criteria and publishing KB solutions for direct customer consumption. None of these improvements would be possible without hearing and responding to customer feedback. Regardless of your industry, product or service, employing various methods to better understand your customer’s concerns, priorities and preferences is a investment that will reap great rewards if you are willing to listen. Consider your customer feedback methods by reading this article, Listening to the Voice of the Customer, written by Leonard Klie and published in the July 2012 issue of CRM magazine.

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Why Knowledge Management Matters

KMbrainKnowledge management (KM) is more than the sexy word for training. Don’t get me wrong, learning development is intrinsic to knowledge management. However, KM is about every company’s greatest intellectual assets – the people! Knowledge management is about capturing what individuals know and making it an available resource for the benefit of an entire organization. The NASA definition of KM is found within Jeanne Holm’s paper, Capturing the Spirit of Knowledge Management which is “Getting the right information to the right people at the right time, and helping people create knowledge and share and act upon information that will measurably improve the performance of an organization and its partners.” While some people view KM as a threat, fearing that sharing their knowledge will move them from an indispensable to throwaway status, it actually has the opposite effect. Sharing your knowledge makes you a respected guru throughout the realm of your professional kingdom instead of just a remote departmental village or two. Do you want innovation? Do you want fame? Do you want to be a hero to your internal and external customers? Then become a Knowledge Management champion and revolutionize your organization from the inside out. Collaborate. Create. Innovate. Make decisions and solve problems through the collective expertise of the entire organization. This eye-opening article by Lisa Quast explains Why Knowledge Management is Important to the Success of Your Company


Five Search Query Operators Every SEO Should Know

Enterprise Search places more power at your fingertips.

Enterprise Search places more power at your fingertips.

As I delve more into search engine optimization and begin to execute my education and awareness plan about the powerful and versatile Coveo enterprise search engine in my current KM role, I thought you might be interested in an article that was rated one of the Best of 2013 by the Search Engine Journal. Thanks to Jayson DeMers for sharing his wisdom and helping to start others on the path to more effective search techniques. The April STC Atlanta meeting will also focus on Search Engine Optimization. Chris Everett, Principal of Captivate Search Marketing, address Optimization and Getting Your Work Found on Google.

I hope you enjoy Jayson’s article and continue to consider your user first in all that you do: http://www.searchenginejournal.com/5-search-query-operators-every-seo-know/67989/

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Exposing Yourself!

PIEblogRenowned author Helen Keller (who was hearing and visually impaired) once said “Security is mostly a superstition…Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing.” It is my observation that the Technical Communication industry inherently attracts introverts. The detailed, complex, methodical, analytical work that can be produced in relative isolation once we complete our research is well suited for such people. However, there is also a risk of underexposure. Depending on a variety of factors including organizational behavior, management structure, and individual personalities the tremendous value of your local Technical Communicator can be grossly underrepresented.

Although she transitioned from this world in 2011, I’ll never forget the wisdom of STC past-president, Suzanna Laurent, who passionately explained that we are much more than just technical writers: “we are business people with writing skills”. Our ability to make information more useable and accessible to those who need that information, and in doing so, advance the goals of the companies or organizations that employ them is a tremendous asset. Yet, we seem more willing to advocate for our users than ourselves. The time has come for us to expose ourselves and fantastic value that we offer. We must make this case to our peers, our colleagues, and our superiors to advance our individual careers as well as the overall TCOM profession.

PIEFor some, the very thought of such self-promotion task is daunting. Many of us work faithfully for years, putting forth our maximum effort, producing fantastic deliverables despite impossible obstacles and wonder why others in the organization take us for granted. The reason is simple – lack of exposure. In his book, Empowering Yourself, Harvey J. Coleman explains that career success is based on more than excellent performance. Success is comprised of three factors: Performance, Image, and Exposure. All too often, Technical Communicators are perform exceptionally, but do not advance in their careers as far or as quickly as they could because of neglecting the I and E slices of the PIE formula.


Business is all about managing relationships. Exhibiting a professional image is essentially about trust and respect. Professionalism is adhering to a set of values which include meeting professional obligations, conducting oneself according to formal and informal codes of conduct, and meeting the expectations of everyone with whom we come into contact as part of our business role.  Technical communicators often extend a great deal of consideration to SMEs, customers, developers, engineers, product managers, support personnel, but that consideration may not be reciprocated. If mutual respect seems nonexistent, you are overdue for an image makeover! It is never to late to turn over a new leaf. Learn more about your colleagues, share more about yourself, seek ways to insert yourself into new situations and apply your considerable expertise to address others’ pain points. Your image may suffer if colleagues lack information regarding your role, background, and how you can make improve the quality of their daily work life. You must also be willing to extend yourself socially. That means having lunch somewhere other than your desk every day and using corporate-sponsored activities to connect with your coworkers at a different level.



We must promote ourselves and our unique set of skills. Keeping abreast of the latest trends in content design and delivery, becoming the voice of reason when people are in a quandary about the best approach for communicating a message, and connecting with others across your organization, expands your knowledge base, fosters productive relationships, and increases the level of awareness for everyone. Be willing to take on special projects, test a new tool or process, or conduct a lunch-and-learn about one of the many topics that you can address as an expert.

Applying the PIE formula requires some effort, but is well worth the reward. You need only decide whether you want a daring adventure, or nothing.

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Addressing Pain Points

painpointAn intense analysis process is the first step of Business Process Management (BPM). You must understand the current state before you can make recommendations for improvement. Following the analysis phase, recommendations are categorized any number of ways: short-term vs. long-term, inexpensive vs. costly, and so on. Depending on the corporate culture, business analysts often try to identify “low-hanging fruit” or minor, relatively inexpensive changes that can be quickly implemented. I agree that if an organization identifies something quick and easy that boosts productivity that the improvement should be strongly considered. However, the quick and dirty low-hanging fruit should NOT be the focus of a BPM program. Instead, analysts need to identify and provide recommendations around the major pain points within a given system.

Experts: Your Ally in Analysis

When analyzing a system, pay close attention to people, processes, and technology. It is important to identify your Subject Matter Experts (SMEs). Your SMEs are the key to understanding key areas to improve. Your SME can vary. Although it’s helpful to interview someone who has a long-standing history and expertise with specific subject matter, it is also beneficial to speak with someone who is relatively new to the area. The two perspectives provide a comprehensive snapshot about the way the system currently works. Your seasoned SME can provide historical information about specific decisions and the business overall. Your novice SME can provide fresh perspective about the training and messaging associated with the current system. Both SMEs need to advise you of their pain points – those complex situations that are urgent and difficult to address. Pain points go by many names – dilemma, conundrum, hassle, etc. Yet that place in the process where your target audience – SMEs, users, or customers express frustration, confusion, or crisis, is a golden opportunity to drastically improve the quality of their work lives.

Slaying Dragons

Ultimately, we are in business to make money and there is a direct correlation between addressing pain points and impacting revenue. It often takes a lot of investigation, collaboration, and justification to slay these huge dragons that drain resources, disrupt process, and increase costs. However, energy invested in addressing pain points is never wasted. Whether it is automating a manual process, improving communication channels, or introducing a new workflow for faster turnaround – financial impacts in terms of reduced employee turnover, increased customer retention, improved cycle times, and so on make the quest well worth it. The most successful corporate cultures are increasingly open to ideas and innovation from employees and customers. If you identify a pain point and recommendation to decrease or eliminate the existing pain, chances are, someone is your organization is very willing to listen. A couple of years ago, one Harvard Business Review blog encouraged workers to collaborate to grow the pie, not just split it.

Happy Thanksgiving!